A talk by Jan Willem Drijvers: “Roman-Persian Relations: The Example of Emperor Jovian and the Syriac ‘Julian Romance'” 13/04/2021
A talk by Alexander Sarantis: “The Socio-Economic Impact of Raiding on the Eastern and Balkan Borderlands of the Eastern Roman Empire, 502-602” 06/04/2021 Continue reading “A talk by Alexander Sarantis: “The Socio-Economic Impact of Raiding on the Eastern and Balkan Borderlands of the Eastern Roman Empire, 502-602””
Dominic Moreau, Ekaterina Nechaeva: “Les nouvelles villes romaines et perses dans l’Antiquité tardive” 30/03/2021
A talk by Giusto Traina: “Entre Constantinople et Ctésiphon. La dernière phase du royaume de la Grande Arménie” 23/03/2021
Javier Arce, Ekaterina Nechaeva: ” Triomphe impérial et Chasse royale de Ctésiphon à Constantinople “ 16/03/2021
A talk by Étienne de la Vaissière: “Les routes manichéennes” 09/03/2021. Via zoom Continue reading “A talk by Étienne de la Vaissière: “Les routes manichéennes””
Ekaterina Nechaeva: “La mobilité cléricale et la diffusion du christianisme syriaque dans l’Empire sassanide (a case study: John of Tella)” 02/03/2021. Via zoom
A talk by Asli Zeren: “The Future of Byzantine Heritage in Istanbul: Interpreting the controversial conversions and the long-neglected sites” 16/02/2021. Via zoom Continue reading “A talk by Asli Zeren: “The Future of Byzantine Heritage in Istanbul: Interpreting the controversial conversions and the long-neglected sites””
Ekaterina Nechaeva: “Diplomatie symbolique entre l’Empire romain et l’Empire sassanide” 09/02/2021. Via zoom