Anna Usacheva joins the EX-PATRIA Project to work on prosopography of across the (Roman-Persian) border ‘Antiochean expansion’.

In December Anna Usacheva arrived from Helsinki to join us a postdoctoral researcher.

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Discussing Trust, Uncertainty, and Knowledge bases @ the Entangled Prosopographies of the Later Roman and Byzantine Worlds event.

Presenting the first results of interdisciplinary collaboration between the EX-PATRIA Project and computer scientists from CRIStAL.

Pierre Bourhis and Ekaterina Nechaeva came to Edinburgh to share (on the 8th of December, 2023) their common work in progress with Simon Bliudze and Lionel Seinturier on dealing with uncertainty in historical databases. The Prosopon workshop was extremely stimulating to learn about all the prosopographical projects and meet the people behind them. It was an ideal place to discuss our ideas and get first-hand feedback! Bravo Pierre: a computer scientist among the historians!

Thank you Zachary Chitwood, Charalampos Gasparis, Niels Gaul, and Ekaterini Mitsiou for organising it!

Continue reading “Discussing Trust, Uncertainty, and Knowledge bases @ the Entangled Prosopographies of the Later Roman and Byzantine Worlds event.”

Talking about East Roman and Sasanian Empires: Nature and Causes of Conflict?

EX-PATRIA @ the Circle for Late Antique and Medieval Studies.

On December 6, 2023, Ekaterina Nechaeva participated in a panel discussion on Roman-Sasanian relations in late antique and medieval studies, together with Geoffrey Greatrex, Scott McDonough, and (literally!) hundreds of colleagues all over the world.

Thank you CLAMS and personally to Parvaneh Pourshariati and Merrill Sovner for organising such an outstanding event and for preparing the video.

Continue reading “Talking about East Roman and Sasanian Empires: Nature and Causes of Conflict?”

“Gift-giving Diplomacy and the Steppe Peoples” @Northeast Normal University in Changchun

EX-PATRIA in China! Via Zoom though.  Participating in the 2023 seminar series ‘Byzantine Diplomacy in a Global Perspective’: Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), at Northeast Normal University in Changchun.

On 23rd October 2023 Ekaterina Nechaeva delivered a lecture on the principles of gift-giving in Late Antiquity, in particular on the symbolic diplomacy between Rome and the steppe peoples. Many thanks to all the colleagues from the Northeast Normal University in Changchun and personally to Li Qiang for the invitation and brilliant organisation.

EX-PATRIA at the Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity -XV: ‘Romans in New Worlds: Considering “Global Late Antiquity”’.

Ekaterina Nechaeva attended the Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity -XV conference held in September 2023 at the University of Santa Barbara.

With it focus on Global Late Antiquity the conference was an ideal occasion to share the EX-PATRIA work, discuss, and learn a lot from colleagues.