Discussing Trust, Uncertainty, and Knowledge bases @ the Entangled Prosopographies of the Later Roman and Byzantine Worlds event.

Presenting the first results of interdisciplinary collaboration between the EX-PATRIA Project and computer scientists from CRIStAL.

Pierre Bourhis and Ekaterina Nechaeva came to Edinburgh to share (on the 8th of December, 2023) their common work in progress with Simon Bliudze and Lionel Seinturier on dealing with uncertainty in historical databases. The Prosopon workshop was extremely stimulating to learn about all the prosopographical projects and meet the people behind them. It was an ideal place to discuss our ideas and get first-hand feedback! Bravo Pierre: a computer scientist among the historians!

Thank you Zachary Chitwood, Charalampos Gasparis, Niels Gaul, and Ekaterini Mitsiou for organising it!

Pierre Bourhis: explaining computer science approaches to historians.

Ekaterina Nechaeva: presenting the EX-PATRIA Project.

Pierre Bourhis discusses assertions and authorities with Tara Andrews.

Niels Gaul, Zachary Chitwood, and Ekaterini Mitsiou: closing remarks.

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