A dive into the future EX-PATRIA library fund

The EX-PATRIA team visited our University Ancient Studies Library (BSA). Guided by the Librarian Christophe Hugot we got a chance to see some sections of the EX-PATRIA Book Fund.

In partnership with the BSA, the EX-PATRIA Project acquired several hundred works on a chrono-geographic area that is still underdeveloped within the University collections: studies and sources relating to the Global Late Antiquity of West Asia (for example on Sassanid Iran, on Syriac world, on the Caucasus, on the silk roads, the steppes, etc.)

Anna & Bardaisan of Edessa.

Anna: What a morning! The last time I experienced such an excitement was in the manuscript section in the British Library! The collection of books is so well assembled that examining it felt like entering a treasury. All the books that I wanted to read or even was not aware of but definitely need to consult are there. Amazing! Scrolling through the book titles fills you with an incredible enthusiasm for your research.

Daniel & the TAVO: Tübingen Atlas of the Near & Middle East

Daniel: There are so many possible directions for research represented within this extremely extensive collection that I wonder where I’m going to start! I can’t wait to sink my teeth into them (metaphorically) once they are all catalogued and on our shelves. Thanks also to the building’s cat for greeting us on the way out. I didn’t know we had one of those!

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